December 13, 2008

Adventures in Retail: RE-Recession

Today at the luxury boutique I work at (we're talking $1000+--and I mean +--evening bags that you'll wear three times in your life), these people came in for a repair. Then we got to talking while this man's wife was looking at a sale bag.

[Upon his wife (in a Burberry pattern hat AND scarf with a huge mink coat) coming up to him with a clutch] Man in Gucci embossed loafers: Hm. I just won a thousand dollars.
Female co-worker: Oh? Did you win the lottery?
Man: No. I told my friend where we were going and that no woman could walk out of the store without buying a purse. When he saw how expensive they were he said I was crazy and bet me a thousand dollars that we would walk out empty-handed. And now she's buying a purse. [editor's note: Yeah. Never mind the 90% of the population who can't afford, much less justify a $2400 SALE clutch.]
Co-worker: Oh. Ha. Yeah. Funny.
Man: Did you know that 95% of people who win the lottery spend it all within 5 years?
Me: I find it hard to believe that you could spend even 30 million in 5 years that recklessly.
Man: No. It's true. People with little money who suddenly come into it just don't know how to keep it.
Us: ...k...
Man: Yeah. And I don't know what this "recession" business is about. We're here just for 4 days but already the restaurants are all packed. People are spending. I don't know what everyone's griping about.
Me: ... umm. Where did you go?
Man: We just went to David Burke [Editor's note: David Burke and Donnatella is a restaurant on the Upper East Side that features a twenty-one dollar PEANUT BUTTER AND JELLY], We had to wait for a table. And then we saw "The Heights" and it was packed [Editor's note: :In the Heights" is a popular musical that plays to sold-out audiences... pretty much habitually].
Us: ...Oh. Okay.
Man: Seriously. Where is this recession? It's not even real.

If I ever hear a person who can afford to spend $2400 on a clutch for his wife explain to me that there is no such thing as the economy, I swear. I am going to kill him/her.

And I'm choosing to disregard that he bet a thousand dollars on whether his wife would spend his money.

...So about Raskolnikov's Extraordinary Man Theory...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Simon, I just perused your blog and it's truly amazing. I'm really impressed by your political entries...and although my knowledge of fashion is embarrassingly nonexistent, I read your fashion posts with pleasure.

Your voice is unique. I can hear and see Simon Moritz, which is great because...I miss you!

- Esther

P.S. These "the recession is not real!!!!" people are ridiculous.