November 29, 2008

Would YOU Kill for that Plasma-Screen TV? Black Friday Indeed.

This article detailing the misadventures of a seasonal employee and his DEATH by TRAMPLING is a great example of American consumerism going just a tad too far. It is also an example of how ridiculous the blame game gets here. The article, through several of its sources and interviewees paints Wal-Mart to be the problem, that it should let its workers unionize, that it should have been more prepared to deal with the mob-like crowds.

Really? It's Wal-Mart's fault that people are willing to trample a seasonal employee to death in order to be the first to get great deals on poor-quality goods? If ever anyone needed evidence of American capitalism ironically killing its own citizens, this is literally it. How can it be true that the instinct to shop is greater than the instinct to help another human being who is dying?

The police should search his body for footprints, match them up to people and then put each and every one of those people on trial for murder.

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