March 3, 2008

The MoMA COLORS party--Where Better to Start Taking Pictures?

It certainly was a lovely night at the Museum of Modern Art on Saturday. My personal favorite was Walid Raad's "Let's be Honest, the Weather helped."

Raad took a series of pictures over approximately twenty years wherein he photographed sites riddled with bullets and shells. That is, he collected ammunition shells from sites riddled with them and meticulously documented their locations. Later, he used the color-coding system of the munitions companies to color his desolate, black and white landscapes:

So much fantastic irony! Such happy colors to represent such horrific violence. Stunning.

And now for the clothes!

These two ladies strike a stark contrast of color and black and white--interesting how the floral trend for spring even exists in black and white, no? But what I really love about the left look is that belt. Too bad I don't have a better picture (Damn open bars!).

This little lady took metallics to a very tasteful level; notice how the sheen of her jacket, dress and clutch don't seem gaudy at all. Tres chic.

This is the first of two block-flannel looks I enjoyed for the night. While not so colorful, the proportion of the outfit is sublime. The shirt and skirt meet at exactly the right point elongating the leg elegantly. Fantastic.

When she told me she'd gotten her entire outfit almost all at once, I immediately said "In God We Trust?" She laughed and said yes. That store is fantastic. Make sure to check out her socks to see the Gucci-esque horse-clip.

My favorite outfit for the evening (SO appropriate):

But let's not forget the dance party: